Monday, May 11, 2009

How much sugar are you eating?

I was surprised by a few of the items. The liter of cola, while larger than I might have guessed, I did expected to large. Others like a serving of grapes and oranges were completely surprising.

Sugar Stacks


Unknown said...

There must be a difference between fruit sugars and refined sugar that comes in a bottle. Is there evidence of this?

Doran said...

The website does note that there are many different "sugars" and the body does metabolize them differently. But for visualization purposes they are only displaying the mass, in grams, of sugars in the food with sugar cubes.

Unknown said...

Back in the 1980's I remember reading an article comparing the amount of sugar eaten per person in 1900 to the amount in 1980. It was something like 10 pounds in 1900 and 100 pounds in 1980. I am guessing the amount is up from then. I wonder if that could be related to the obesity rise we are seeing. Hmmmmmmm.

SaraghA said...

Fructose (fruit sugar) is better for you mainly because of all the fiber you're getting at the same time, so you're body works harder to digest (METABOLIZE!), burning more calories.

One thing they didn't include is refined carbohydrates found in anything made with white flour. Eating white bread is almost like eating a candy bar as far as sugar goes. Refined carbohydrates are simple sugars (the starches are quickly converted into sugars upon digestion) and require hardly any metabolizing, so they get jetted into your blood and fat cells more quickly. I have friends who adamantly argue that whole-wheat bread is a scam, and there is no nutritional difference between it and white bread. To me the difference is absurdly obvious: FIBER! Because fiber requires more work from your body to digest as well as cleaning up your system, it burns more energy and keeps yer guts clear! DUH (head smack). As you can tell, I get quite heated on the subject.

Tonia said...

A lot!