Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bad acting

Do you ever feel like the quality of acting has really fallen off over the years. I am not talking the content, that is your own personal view. I am talking about the ability of the actor to convince you that what you are seeing is believable. Here is a fine example:

These two should spring for some more acting lessons.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Did you know a Balsam Fir can bury itself, sort of

I was actually looking for information on growing a Hemlock in the Edmonton area when I cam across this article on the strategies of shade tolerant tree species. It is really odd to think of a small Balsam Fir you pass in the forest that is only 10 cm - 20 cm in diameter, could be more than 100 years old. And this is a common strategy among the shade tolerant tree species. Very cool

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Are you Marie Curious?

If chemistry has always bored and/or baffled you, this might spark some interest. At the very least the music is pretty sweet.

The World of Chemistry

Are you Marie Curious? That isn't my joke, but I do like it.

Thanks for the link Mike.

Monday, May 11, 2009

How much sugar are you eating?

I was surprised by a few of the items. The liter of cola, while larger than I might have guessed, I did expected to large. Others like a serving of grapes and oranges were completely surprising.

Sugar Stacks