Monday, July 28, 2008

Why you should never talk to the police

Granted this professor is talking about American law, and it doesn't directly apply to Canadian law. However the principles laid out and the investigation techniques employed do make for compelling viewing.

Part One

Part Two

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The upside to high fuel prices

It is entertaining, to me at least, when people realize that capitalism can react very quickly to economic pressure. It doesn't need government intervention, planning committees, surveys, opinions polls, or even leadership to change direction. Everyone everyday looks at the prices of good they wish to purchase and makes decisions that fit their own situation and the sum total of all those actions allows the economy to turn on a dime.

10 Things you can like about $4 gas

Saturday, July 5, 2008

More efficient than the Smart car

I was mulling over purchasing a Smart car until I saw this car. It is time to start saving my nickels and dimes now.

VW car that consumes only 235 mpg, 285 imperial mpg.

Friday, July 4, 2008

For the children of the seventies

To all the people who grew up in the seventies and early eighties, this video total rocks!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tarsier chowing down

This little guy rocks. (S)he has the coolest facial expressions while chewing.

I am guessing he is eating a frog on a stick.

More information on Tarsier's

The best video this week

This video made me laugh harder than any other video this week. And I watch a lot of online videos.

The Best Video This Week